Serguei Saldívar AMC Cinematographer

Serguei Saldívar AMC (Mexican Society of Cinematographers)

Active member of the Mexican academy of motion picture arts and sciences.

“Bacalar” , (México, 2010) Directed by Patricia Arriaga.
 “La Lección de Pintura” (México, Chile, Spain 2010), Directed by Pablo Perelman.
“Under the Salt” (Bajo la Sal) México 2008, Directed by Mario Muñoz.
“The desert within” (Desierto Adentro) Mexico 2005 , Directed by Rodrigo Plá. (Shot in Super 16mm)
 “Mezcal” (Mezcal) México 2004 Directed by Ignacio Ortíz. (silver retain process in negative)
“The other side” (Al Otro Lado) México 2005, Directed by Gustavo Loza,; co-photographed with Gerónimo Denti and Patrick Murguía.
“Persona Non Grata” France-Spain-U.S.A. 2003, Directed by Oliver Stone. Shot in DVCAM with Rodrigo Prieto ASC AMC.
“Serious killer” (Asesino en Serio) Mexico-Spain 2002, Directed by Antonio Urrutia. (silver retain process in negative)
“The Blue room” (La Habitación Azul) Mexico-Spain 2002, Directed by Walter Dohener.
“Without a trace” (Sin Dejar Huella) Mexico-Spain 2002, Directed by María Novaro “LatinAmericanCinemaAward” SundanceFilmFestival2001. Audience
Award in the First Week of Iberoamerican Films, Madrid 2001.
“A Breakfast chronicle” (Crónica de un Desayuno) Mexico 2000, Directed by Benjamín Cann. “Caligari Film Award” for the best film in New Film forum of Berlin Film Festival, 2001. “Mayahuel Award” for Best Director in the Guadalajara Film Festival, 2000. (silver retain process in negative)
“Libre de Culpas” Mexico 1997, Directed by Marcel Sisniega. (silver retain process in negative)
“Parejas” Mexico 1996-2000, Directed by Enrique Arroyo.

I have photographed many short films, this are some of them:
“¿ Verdad que no fué mi culpa?” [Mexico, 2010) ] Directed by Antonio Urrutia.
“El Otro Sueño Americano” [Mexico, 2005] – Dir. Enrique Arroyo. Jury Award “Clermont-Ferrand Festival”, France 2005 among more than 20 other awards.
“Espíritu Deportivo” [Mexico, 2004] – Directed by Javier Bourges.
“Héroe” [Mexico, 2003] – Directed Eduardo Covarrubias. Best Short Film “Cuadro” festival, México 2003, Best Short Film in the “Federación de Escuelas de Imagen y Sonido” festival, Buenos Aires Argentina 2003
“Mientras me muero” [Mexico, 2003] – Directed by Mario Muñoz. “Ariel” nominee, México 2004.
“El Ojo en la Nuca” [Mexico – Uruguay, 2000] – Directed by Rodrigo Plá. “Osear” winner for best foreign student short film L.A, California 2001. “Ariel” winner for best short film, Mexico 2001. Jury award in the First Week of Latin-America Films, Madrid 2001.
“Cruz” [Mexico, 1998] – Directed by Kenia Márquez. , “Ariel” winner for best short film Mexico 1996, “Osear” nominee for Best Short Film, L.A. California 1996, Jury Mention “Clermont-Ferrand Festival”, Audience and Jury award in Algarve Portugal 1997, “Palma de Oro” in Bruxels Belgium 1997.
“Pez Muerto no Nada” [Mexico, 1996] – Directed by Jimena Perzabal.
“Ponchada” [Mexico, 1994] – Directed by Alejandra Moya. Honor Mention in “Dresden Film Festival”, 1995.
“El Último Fin de año” [Mexico, 1991] – Directed by Javier Bourges .. “Osear” winner for best foreign student short film, L.A. California 1993, “Danzante de Oro” Huesca Festival, Spain 1992, “Colón de Oro” Huelva Festival, Spain 1992.

Awards and nominations as cinematographer:
“Kikito” Award for best cinematography in Festival de Gramado, Brasil 2011 por “La Lección de Pintura”.
“Diosa de Plata” ** Award, 2009, for best cinematography “Bajo la Sal” (Under the salt). 
“Mayahuel” Award, 2008, for best cinematography, Guadalajara film festival, “Desierto Adentro” (The Desert Within). “Ariel”* Award, 2008, for best cinematography, for “Desierto Adentro” (The Desert Within).
“Coral” Award, 2008, for best cinematography, Habana film festival, for “Desierto Adentro” (The Desert Within).
“Tutumpa” Award 2008, for best cinematography in Santa Cruz, Bolivia for “Desert Within”.
Jury Award for best cinematography, 10 festival elcine, Lima Perú 2006 for “Mezcal”.
Ariel Award , 2003, for best cinematography “Héroe” México 2003.
Diosa de Plata Award, 2006, for best cinematography “Al Otro Lado” (To the Other Side).
Award for best cinematography 2004; in “Almería en Corto” festival, Spain “Héroe”.
“Pantalla de Cristal” Award , 2003, for best cinematography “Héroe” México 2003.
Ariel* nominee 2003, for best cinematography “La Habitación Azul” (The Blue Room).
Ariel* Award 2002, for best cinematography “Sin Dejar Huella”.
Ariel* Award 1998, for best cinematography “Libre de Culpas”
“Casa de las Américas”
Award 1997, for best cinematography in Huesca, Spain “Pez Muerto no Nada”.
For my work in publicity I have won awards and obtained nominations for best cinematography in “Pantalla de Cristal”, “Círculo Creativo” among others …

* Ariel is the award given by the Mexican academy of motion pictures arts and sciences.
** Diosa de Plata is the award given by the Mexican film critic association.

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